Hong Kong Heritage Project
1. Inventory list containing materials in the Hong Kong Heritage Project.
*This excel spreadsheet is intended for locating materials at the Hong Kong Heritage Project. No other information is provided*
Drawings and Artefacts in the EMR Collection, HKHP
2. BAAG Headquarters Drawings by Chinese Artist Lai Ping Hung in 1944

In the Map Room. Left: Major Lynton White, Right: Major Rob Cooper.

In the Wireless/Telegraph Room.

BAAG truck leaving for Toishan with BAAG Famine Relief. Foreground: Major Colin McEwan, Capt Francis Lee. Behind l. to r.: David Lam (Counter Espionage), Capt Hunt, Capt R.H.S. Lee, unknown.

At USAAF Headquarters: BAAG instructing US airmen.

Debriefing of an Agent. l. to r.: Major Derek Hall-Caine, Ng Ka Sheung, Capt. Y.H. Chan, confidential clerk.

Debriefing of an Indian Agent.

BAAG members.
3. Escape Devices

The collar stud revealed a compass when the white coating was scraped away.

Stud side view.

The lighter contained a small compass in a false bottom.

Front view of pocket gun.

The pocket gun’s powerful spring fired a small dart through a delicately rifled barrel which fitted on the end of the pen and was no bigger than a genuine pen nib. The gun was fired by pressing the clip and then releasing.

Open view of lighter.
4. Survival Aids


‘Pointie-talkie’ inside view.

‘Pointie-talkie’ inside view.

‘Pointie-talkie’ inside view.

‘Pointie-talkie’ inside view.

‘Pointie-talkie’ inside view.

The wooden whistle was designed for escapers in tropical climates where metal would rust.
5. Japanese Military Yen
After the Hong Kong Government surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army on 25 December 1941, the Japanese authorities decreed the military yen to be the legal tender of Hong Kong the following day. The Japanese occupation also outlawed any use of Hong Kong dollar and set a deadline for exchanging
dollars into yen.
When the military yen was first introduced in 26 December 1941, the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the military yen was 2 to 1. However, by October 1942, the rate was changed to 4 to 1.
Source from:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_military_yen#Introduction_of_ military_yen_in_Hong_Kong
6. Japanese Propaganda Leaflets

Leaflet 1 - Front

Leaflet 2 - Front

Leaflet 3 - Front

Leaflet 1 - Back

Leaflet 2 - Back

Leaflet 3 - Back
For more information, please visit the HK Heritage Project website.